You Come So Far...

"This looks interesting," I say as look at the sign reading, ''Seaame Place: Where Muppets Come to Life''.
I saw an employee walkout, wearing a badge reading, "Day-Shift Guard."
"Hello," I approach a man, and put a hand out; he shakes it happily.
"Are you here for the application, Mr. Stark?" The guard asks.
I simply nod my head, and he hands me a form of letters, numbers, and Muppets. "You know as a kid, I loved Kermit."
"Oh, how splendid." He replied chuckling.
"So, can I make you guys a Kermit animatronic?" I ask.
He gives me a weird look, but says: "Ok. Worth a try, we needed a Kermit suit." I chuckle in success.
"Plus, I have a huge company," I recall.
"What's it called? Stark Inc.?" He asks.
"Yep." I reply to his question.
"Ok then," he says. "See you later, Mr. Stark."
He ran off, as I ran up to the animatronics.
"Pinkie and her funny farm, eh?" I say as I look at the replacement animatronics, which includes Pinkie Pie, Donald Duck, and Goofy. I shake my hand out, and tap on Pinkie, she starts up -
"Ya--" She shouts, as I hush to the bitch to be quiet. She continues, with those static noises, stares at me.
He began to swat her claws at me, as I narrowly avoid them. "Dude," a voice cried out, in terrible vain.
"What the hell are you--" it was that pesky night guard, Patrick.
I bring out my pocket knife, as he backs away. As I walk towards him, I see Pinkie dragging a body into Cookie Cove, and a bunch of munches and crunches of flesh and bones.
"Happy Birthday." I cooed to Patrick, before ending him for good.